“You are worthy of more, you just have to believe that too”
- Harrison Smith, Founder of the Evolution Network
We all know the quote, "the magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding." This quote seems like something you would pull out of a fortune cookie, until you really absorb it.
The "magic you are looking for..." is the results you have been dreaming of, that still seem out of reach. You have this grand vision for your business, your income, and your legacy that you can see so clearly...... but still seem so far away. That "magic" is likely closer than you think but you aren't committed enough to see that.
The "work you are avoiding" are those big projects that you know will create the momentum you need to achieve the results. The projects seem so obvious and possible, but yet you aren't making enough or any progress on them. How can it be possible that the work we need to do to achieve the dreams we have, isn't getting done?
It's simple, we aren't conditioned to allow it to happen. We are taught from an early age to be average. Get good grades, go to a good college, work your way up some ladder, and be like everybody else. Don't be different, don't make waves, and definitely don't color outside of the lines. Different is bad...... so don't do it.
Given this programming, we are afraid of (1) opinions, (2) failure, and (3) success.
We are afraid of what people will think of us for trying to be different. We are afraid of the pain that failure would cause. But even more concerning is that we are afraid of success. What if we actually reach those goals and dreams? Who am I to think I deserve something different? Why do I think I am capable of doing that?
These thoughts are ever present in what we do and until we get over the perceived feelings and decide that our goals and dreams are more important, we will always get stuck dreaming and "getting ready to get started" on a plan we won't ever execute. You are worthy of more, you just have to believe that too.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nisi nunc, tincidunt non nibh non, ullamcorper facilisis lectus. Sed accumsan metus viverra turpis faucibus, id elementum tellus suscipit. Duis ac dolor nec odio
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nisi nunc, tincidunt non nibh non, ullamcorper facilisis lectus. Sed accumsan metus viverra turpis faucibus, id elementum tellus suscipit. Duis ac dolor nec odio
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Phone Number:
(207) 956-0872
The Evolution Network provides the systems, training, and support that has helped 100's of entrepreneurs make more money in less time.
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